Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How to keep stuff out of landfills (+ another nice example of upcycled plastic bottles)

Another neat use for a plastic bottle I came across in FB: this time including the cap plus a couple of other items you can find around the house. A ladle with a broken handle or burnt? Some extra seeds? Feed a bird!

You get to enjoy the birds, birds get to enjoy the food, and more stuff keeps out of the garbage pile.


In Mexico there are also talks about how to re-think our relationship with what we use so that less of our discarded materials end up in the landfill. The first distinction: organic and inorganic. Compost the organic, recycle (or upcycle!) the inorganic.

More on what’s been done in Mexico at a business level to green our lives? Click here.


  1. I am really inspired by the concept. It's really best way to avail the junk bottles and such kind of things.

    David Adam

  2. Appreciate your comment Adam :) Please let us know if you come across other cool ideas, we'll be happy to post them.
