Got some great news from the little organization that could. If you remember, we had been trying to get some funding because they basically run on zero budget (if NGOs in developed countries saw how much is done by NGOs in developing countries without any budget...). Anyhow, I received this message from one of the directors of the organization.
“Minhas saudações e da equipe Bonga Mbilo, espero que onde estiveres, estejas bem de saude e sucesso no trabalho. Nós, deste lado, so saudade de uma amiga que sempre torceu por nos. Neste momento queremos partilhar um dos melhores momentos da nossa associção que acaba de vencer um concurso do banco mundial sobre lamas fecais e outro projeto de HIV sida.”
Congratulations to them!
Access to water and sanitation is key and changes the lives of people in a dramatic way, more on that here.
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